About Us
The South Orangetown Ambulance Corps, located in Rockland County New York, provides ambulance and emergency medical services to the hamlets of Blauvelt, Orangeburg, Palisades, Sparkill and Tappan in the Town of Orangetown. SOAC responds to other parts of the town, county and to New Jersey as per a mutual aid agreement with our neighbors. SOAC is on call for the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and responds to approximately 2200 emergency medical calls a year. We are a BLS agency and are responsible for all emergency medical transport for the hamlets above. SOAC also provides scheduled stand-by coverage at a wide variety of sporting events and public affairs.

Your Donations Save Lives
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Your generous donation allows the South Orangetown Ambulance Corps to be at the forefront of pre-hospital care in Rockland County. The Corps relies on your tax-deductible contributions for our recruitment and retention efforts as well as other special programs. Thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated.